Climate Resources
Looking at various climate and weather predication sources I have found that many of them rely of different climate models and current weather events to analyze climate over time. The NOAA and National Weather service storm prediction center site is easy to understand and use. Many times the maps are difficult to understand what the data is showing you. These maps are clear and even show you when it was last updated, often showing live data.
I found the NOAA Climate Data Online to be slightly more complicated. While trying to look at the maps and pull up the location I wanted to see the data it is showing is not exactly explicit or clear. Despite the maps being somewhat hard to digest the other options such as the Tool Search or Data Tool selection must be ordered in data sets and are not exactly accessible to the average person.
Additionally I found this interactive map from USGS that I found to be the most accessible, and understandable. The user can adjust the location of focus, the climate model being viewed, time period, and variable displayed on the map. I prefer interactive maps of this nature because it allows me to look at various versions of similar or very different data. In addition to the visual aspect of the map it includes several graphs below it that provide specific data for what is displayed.
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